Ventana Fine Art - Art Galleries Santa Fe NM - Contemporary Artist

A Fine Art Gallery in Santa Fe, NM

Ventana Fine Art is located in the historical red brick schoolhouse on Santa Fe's famous Canyon Road. For 41+ years, Ventana has enjoyed the reputation as one of the Southwest's premier exhibition spaces, showcasing the best in contemporary American painting and sculpture. Our comfortable sun-filled gallery opens to two inviting, beautifully landscaped sculpture gardens, and visitors are welcomed seven days a week.

Cassidy Watt


For Images of Cassidy Watt’s Current Inventory, Please Email or Call : - 505-983-8815

Below Are Examples of Remnant 2.0 and Remnant Totems — Examples Only

Cassidy Watt’s manipulation of metals combines a variety of techniques.  It begins with an experimental phase, as the medium – copper or brass – reveals its resistance or obeisance to various applications of patina, torch or hammer.  Mr. Watt employs formulas developed through experimentation as well as by accident to apply chemical fuming, resist processing and acid pickling to the metal.  Scourged, scorched and scarified, the various results can be juxtaposed into a vertical totem form to create confrontations of reaction and resolution.   As totems, this stacking of texture, colors and tone invokes the complexity of emotional language.

The alchemy of Mr. Watt’s aesthetic finds its origin in the industrial city of his youth, which transects the high desert mountains of his chosen adult life.  His metalwork twists and interlaces like the Brooklyn Bridge, but is then weathered by caustic forces reminiscent of the New Mexican sun.

His Remnants totem series is created by combining orphan pieces until the disparate parts yield a conversational whole, a living history.  As Mr. Watt explains, “Metal yields, but it also endures, allowing each piece to tell its unique story.”

Ventana Fine Art    I    400 Canyon Road    I    Santa Fe, NM    I    87501    I    1-800-746-8815    | 505-983-8815

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