Ventana Fine Art - Art Galleries Santa Fe NM - Contemporary Artist

A Fine Art Gallery in Santa Fe, NM

Ventana Fine Art is located in the historical red brick schoolhouse on Santa Fe's famous Canyon Road. For 35 years, Ventana has enjoyed the reputation as one of the Southwest's premier exhibition spaces, showcasing the best in contemporary American painting and sculpture. Our comfortable sun-filled gallery opens to two inviting, beautifully landscaped sculpture gardens, and visitors are welcomed seven days a week.

Stone Mountain: The Northern Migration


Stone Mountain: The Northern Migration


Bronze Ed. AP/5

65” x 55” x 44”

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Ventana Fine Art    I    400 Canyon Road    I    Santa Fe, NM    I    87501    I    1-800-746-8815    | 505-983-8815

Ventana Fine Art 403   I    403 Canyon Road    I    Santa Fe, NM    I    87501    I   1-505-303-3999

©  Ventana Fine Art     I    Site by Underexposed