Ventana Fine Art celebrates 30 art-filled years in business with a group exhibition featuring all its artists. John Axton, Doug Dawson, Albert Handell, and John Nieto have been delighting Ventana clients for the gallery's entire time in business. Jennifer Davenport has recently returned to Ventana with irresistible abstract paintings. Ventana welcomes still life master Angus, impasto virtuoso Frank Balaam, and sculptor Frederick Gelb as its most recent rising stars. With 30 fabulous years as a destination gallery, first downtown, and for the past 17 years, in the historic red-brick school building at 400 Canyon Road, Ventana has earned its place as a premiere art venue in Santa Fe. Join Ventana artists and staff for the 30th Anniversary opening reception on Friday, May 24, from 5 to 7 p.m. The show runs through June 15.